We give users
control over their data
Are you in?
HestiaLabs is a (nice) project by the🇨đź‡company Hestia.ai
We power...
We put together individuals with a common problem with the use of their data or with a common problem that can be solved with their data and empower them with the technologies and ethical framework to solve it.
We develop tools for The Eyeballs đź‘€, a collective that reveal what is going on behind our screens when we read an article or scroll through content on social media: Why am I seeing this ad? How much is an advertiser paying to target me?
We help the collective Dating Privacy❤️ redefine the balance between the interests of dating app users and the interests of the platforms by mapping and exposing the data they collect.
...data collectives
We lead participatory trainings based on real life examples to answer this very important question: How is our data used?
A data collective around mobility and one for platform workers are under construction. Many others will follow.
This how HestiaLabs will deconstruct the idea that the current data valuation model is the norm and build a more ethical one.
Join us
You have a meaningful project in mind that requires data? Happy to help! HestiaLabs supports you in creating the data collective and the community of people willing to share their data for your project (the data sharers). For free!
Partners we can trust
We are very grateful to those who believe in us since the beginning, especially the Migros Pioneer Fund. They allow us to carry out our public interest mission with the rigour (and time!) necessary to properly accomplish this complex work.
News and events
Our "social networks" and "dating applications" workshops are very attractive worlds
Linda Bendali:“The more we exercise the right of access to our personal data, the easier it will be to exercise it”
Member of Elise Lucet's team for the famous France 2 programme “Cash investigation”, Linda Bendali created a stir in France and beyond with her investigation entitled “Our personal data is worth gold!”. For this report, the journalist approached the founder of HestiaLabs to ask 40 companies for the data they had on her. One month after the first broadcast (20 May 2021), she looks back on the shockwaves caused by her work and invites everyone to continue it by asking, as she did, for access to their data.
Why we should all request our personal data
Requests for personal data are the first step in building a new digital world, more respectful of your privacy. That is why HestiaLabs encourages and empowers you to make more of them.
“HestiaLabs is a technical and legal support for our collective”, explains Jessica Pidoux
Researcher Jessica Pidoux created the Dating Privacy data collective to understand and improve the management of users' personal data by dating applications. In a long interview published on the project's blog, she details the project's objectives and explains why HestiaLabs is the right partner to achieve them. Excerpt.